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11 June 2008

Colorized Wirble in windows xp

Wirble On windows:

Pre: Windows XP SP2, GEMS, RUBY.
(i got Rails 2.0.2, ruby in c:\ruby)

1. gem install wirble (or go to )
2. gem install win32console (or )
3. create "w.rb" file in /config/ folder (folder with environment.rb)
4. inside w.rb put this code:

#-- for wirble
require 'rubygems' rescue nil
require 'win32/console/ansi'
ENV['IRB_HISTORY_FILE'] = "c:\.irb_history"
# load rubygems and wirble
require 'wirble'

# load wirble

5. save w.rb file

Now run your console
inside console write: require "w"
=> []

now u got wirblezed console.

1.change ENV['IRB_HISTORY_FILE'] = "" to any value you want where to store your history, can be global (C:\) or application separate, (in this case put "c:\my_rails_applications\my_new_project\logs\.irchistory"
2.dont make file "w.rb" as "wirble.rb" it will not works,

Finally BIG thanks and respect to Paul for this wonderful gem (dont want to use others)
Paul home page:


Anonymous said...

great tip... i was trying to install it on xp but without the rails app, but i just couldnt get ahead with it.

Can you help me out if you know?

Alexey said...

what usage of wirble ?
its useless without rails, it build for it.

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't call it useless without rails.. i use it for watir :)

just load w.rb like so:

irb -r c:\some\location\w.rb

Anonymous said...

you can put it in .irbrc in your %HOME% folder. it loads automatically then.

quetzalcoatl said...

Instead of C:\.irb_history, I'd suggest '%USERPROFILE%/.irb/.history' which on win32 would map to your home dir slash .irb slash history file. That's a bit neater and more typical location for such data.

quetzalcoatl said...

oops, not that language, correction:


and btw. there's no need to alter the ENV array. IMHO, it should reflect the environment actually. Wirble.init has a default parameter opt=nil. If you give it a hash like that:

Wirble.init { :history_path = "#{ENV['USERPROFILE']}/.irb/history" }

you'll get the same result without hacking ENV.